LOMO - definizione. Che cos'è LOMO
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Cosa (chi) è LOMO - definizione

  • <center>Câmara LOMO modelo LC-A de 1988.</center>
LOMO ou Leningradskoye Optiko Mechanichesckoye Obyedinenie (União de Óptica Mecânica de Leningrado) é uma empresa fabricante de equipamentos ópticos em São Petersburgo, Rússia. Atualmente, as câmaras LOMO são objetos de culto.
Chacal (desambiguação)         
Chacal de lomo preto
* Chacal — nome popular de três espécies de canídeos
Esempi dal corpus di testo per LOMO
1. With the smell of sizzling meat whipping my gastric juices to a frenzy, we move on to the house speciality: the lomo, or tenderloin medallion, also known as the Argentine diamond.
2. At a nearby table, Adler Benavides, 35, sat with his father, two sisters and other relatives ordering ceviche and lomo saltado . The family arrived in Maryland from Arequipa in 1'8'; now, his sisters work as office managers, and Benavides owns a small construction firm that employs four men.
3. As to the cuts, an American butcher – or one trained in, say, France might have difficulty locating or recognizing the cuadril (on the back, forward of the rump), the matambre (above the ribs), the peceto (on the rump), and the costilleta (the ribs). The latter is the most popular cut, preferred even to the lomo (filet mignon). In America, the costilleta are called short ribs, meat for stews.